lok fu station中文什么意思

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  1. Take the mtr to lok fu station ( exit a ) and then take green minibus no . 53m to tin ma court
    选乘地下铁路,于黄大仙站下车(使用b出口) ,然后转乘第18号绿色专线小巴于总站下车。
  2. Take the mtr to lok fu station ( exit b ) . the shopping centre is located at wang tau hom east road and wang tau hom south road , adjacent to lok fu estate and wang tau hom estate
    选乘地下铁路,在黄大仙站下车(使用b出口) ,然后沿沙田坳道及凤德道步行约十分钟。
  3. Take the mtr to lok fu station ( exit a ) and then take a green minibus ( travel route no . 53m ) to tin ma court and then walk up the staircase next to tin ma court , chuk yuen road
    交通选乘地下铁路,在乐富站下车(使用a出口) ,然后转乘第53m号前去天马苑的绿色专线小巴。
  4. Enquiries revealed that after alighting from the mtr train at the lok fu station at about 8 pm , a 27 - year - old man was told by a woman that his cellular phone had been stolen from the right pocket of his jacket by a man onboard the train


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